The Self Care Yes Day: 24 Hours of Saying Yes to Yourself

Say Yes to Yourself: How to Plan the Ultimate Self-Care Yes Day

Picture this: A whole day where the only rule is saying yes to yourself—yes to rest, indulgence, and anything that makes your heart sing! It's not just about spoiling yourself, it’s about reconnecting with the things that light you up and give you a much-needed soul recharge.

We spend so much time saying no to ourself—for the sake of work, responsibilities, or other people’s needs. But what if you dedicated one full day to saying yes? Yes to whatever brings you joy, calm, and pure happiness. 

A Yes Day is all about YOU. It’s the self-care ritual you didn’t know you needed, but trust me, after this, it’s going to become your new favorite tradition.


Let’s be real: life can be downright exhausting. Between work, relationships, family, and the endless to-do lists, it’s easy to put ourselves on the back burner. But here’s the thing: constantly saying no to yourself and pushing your needs aside is the fast track to burnout. A Yes Day is like hitting the reset button on your well-being.

When you intentionally carve out time for a Yes Day, you’re not just indulging for the sake of indulgence—you’re giving yourself permission to rest, recharge, and reconnect with what makes you feel good. 

Plus, you’re reminding yourself that you deserve care and attention, too. It’s self-love in action, and your mind, body, and soul will thank you for it.


A little planning goes a long way when it comes to making your Yes Day feel like a mini-retreat. Here’s how to set yourself up for a day of pure bliss:

  • Pick Your Date: Choose a day when you’re free from work, social obligations, or anything that might pull you out of relaxation mode. This day is sacred, so make sure your calendar is clear.
  • Set Boundaries: Let the important people in your life know that you’ll be offline for the day. A Yes Day is interruption-free, so unless it’s an emergency, the world can wait.
  • Tune In to Your Needs: Before your Yes Day, take a moment to check in with yourself. What are you craving—rest, creativity, adventure? Whether you’re yearning for a full day in bed or a spontaneous day trip, honor whatever feels right for you.


Now that you’ve got your day all to yourself, what should you do with it? The possibilities are endless, but here are some dreamy self-care ideas to get you started:

  • Start Slow: Sleep in, wake up naturally, and savor the morning. Maybe brew your favorite coffee or tea, take it slow with a gentle stretch or yoga, and enjoy a breakfast you wouldn’t normally have time for during the workweek.
  • Treat Yourself to a Spa Moment: Whether you’re splurging on a massage or DIYing a spa experience at home, make this a priority. Run a bath, toss in some essential oils or bath salts, light a few candles, and indulge in a face mask or body scrub. Put on your chill-out playlist and let yourself fully relax.
  • Buy Yourself Flowers: Sometimes, the smallest gestures make the biggest impact. Pick up a bouquet of flowers to brighten your space, just because. Seeing fresh blooms on your table is the perfect reminder that you deserve beauty and joy.
  • Savor Your Favorite Meal: Craving something decadent? Whether you cook it yourself or order from your favorite spot, enjoy every bite without the slightest hint of guilt. Today’s about nourishing your body and soul with whatever makes you feel good.
  • Rest & Recharge: Permission to be lazy, granted! Spend a guilt-free afternoon on the couch with a cozy blanket, binge-watching that series you’ve been meaning to finish or taking a nap. Yes, naps count as self-care.
  • Dive Into a Hobby: Been meaning to try your hand at painting, knitting, or baking? Today’s the day to dive into a hobby without worrying about perfection. It’s not about being productive—it’s about doing something that sparks joy, just for fun.
  • Get Lost in a Good Book: Grab that book you’ve been dying to read, curl up in your favorite nook, and escape into a story. Let yourself get fully immersed without checking the time.
  • Write Your Heart Out: If journaling is your jam, grab a pen and let your thoughts flow. Write about what’s been on your mind, what you’re grateful for, or even just doodle. This is your time to reflect, dream, or express whatever’s in your heart.


Let’s flip the script on what it means to prioritize yourself. So often, we equate saying yes to ourselves with being selfish, but a Self-Care Yes Day is anything but. In fact, it’s a way to replenish your energy and creativity so you can show up better in all areas of your life.

By taking this time for yourself, you’re recharging your emotional and mental batteries. You’re more present for your loved ones, sharper at work, and more grounded overall. So the next time that pesky inner critic tells you that you don’t have time for a Yes Day, remind yourself that self-care isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity.


Here’s the magic of a Yes Day: it’s not just a one-day indulgence. Saying yes to yourself builds self-love over time. The more you practice tuning into what you need and giving yourself permission to enjoy it, the more natural it becomes to prioritize your happiness every day.

After your Yes Day, reflect on what activities brought you the most joy or left you feeling the most refreshed. Could you sprinkle more of those moments into your daily life? 

Maybe it’s as simple as treating yourself to a weekly spa night or carving out time for a favorite hobby. Little by little, you’ll find that self-love becomes a natural part of your routine.


Remember, a Yes Day doesn’t have to be extravagant. It’s about listening to your own needs and desires, no matter how simple or grand. Maybe you want a day of pure relaxation, or maybe you’re in the mood for adventure—the beauty of a Self-Care Yes Day is that it’s entirely up to you.

So what are you waiting for? Pick your day, make it sacred, and say yes to yourself in all the ways that matter. Trust me, you’re worth it!

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1 comment

Yes to Yes Day!! Love this idea! We all get to caught up in our busy lives that taking the time for yourself is something not thought about until you start putting yourself and your yourself care in the forefront 💕

Carol Robinson

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